Aurélie Dillon

The designer’s biography

After a diploma in Costume Designer Arts and Crafts that allowed her to work on corsetry and volumes of historical dresses, Aurélie chose to complete her training with a Master Fashion Designer at L’Atlier Chardon Savard. The challenge was to put forward a real creativity while building a coherent collection.

A Master in Fashion Marketing will finalize his career enriched by many internships and professional experiences including the costumes of the Festival of Art Lyric of Aix en Provence or the work with the creator Ioana Craciun.

Both with strong of a technical knowledge and an open mind which gives him the possibility to be free on the creation; Aurélie is as sensitive to the inspirations of the past as to the current lines. The richness of his career allows him to listen to you and fulfill all your desires.

The world of the fashion designer

Contact the designer

  Lie Dil Atelier Showroom en centre ville d’Aix-en-Provence.

40 bis rue Victor Leydet  13100 Aix-en-Provence

Sur rendez-vous.

06 67 36 20 76