Fanny Acquart Gensollen

The craftsman’s biography

Fanny Acquart Gensollen is a Parisian ceramic artist. His ceramic jewels are in the collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts of Paris and the swimming pool of Roubaix.

The shimmering colors of his enamels and the astonishing variety of shapes and textures of his unique pieces earned him among other things the Grand Prix de Creation of the City of Paris on a LetzMartin dress.

She has created models for theater (Comédie Française) and cinema. Fashion designers such as Thierry Mugler, Guy Paulin and Michel Klein appealed to his talents. She is a member of the Association Paris Potiers which organizes the days of the Ceramics every year on the Place Saint-Sulpice in Paris.

The world of the craftsman


   Contact the craftsman

Fanny Acquart Gensollen

Fanny Acquart Gensollen

Fanny Acquart Gensollen

3 rue Charles Weiss 75015 Paris Tél 01 45 32 62 60

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