Johanna Braitbart

The craftsman’s biography

Johanna Braitbart

Johanna Braitbart studied drawing and painting at Penninghen’s studio. She discovered fashion at Studio Berçot, but it’s at Lesage’s embroidery school that her passion kindles in needlework. In 1999, she opened her first shop in the Marais.
His creations are now sold at Bon Marché, Franck & Fils as well as London and Tokyo. She collaborates with fashionbrands like Agnès, Christian Lacroix, Guerlain, Vicente Rey
Unique pieces or custom-made creations are made by hand
in her workshop,exclusively.

The world of the craftsman

   Contact the craftsman


26 rue des blancs manteaux
75004 Paris

Lundi: sur rendez-vous.
Mardi-Samedi: 11h-20h

01 44 82 09 29
