Fanny Liautard

Designer’s biography

 Portrait of Fanny Liautard This is indeed a world of perfection, excellence and expertise that contributes to the amazing magic of true luxury. Each model presented is a new story of an exclusive and successful work of art, a unique piece. It all begins as in a beautiful story, through a meeting, in a quest for perfection of aesthetics and ethics. Fanny transforms your dreams on paper, a sketch, some smiles, and precious moments of sensitivity for exceptional milestones. Subsequently, the magic takes shape in her workshop with her tools: pencils, scissors and needles and an expertise in haute couture. There is the choice to assemble noble and delicate materials, for a unique dress, a   refined piece, made in Paris. These dresses are, in a way, a treasure of sensuality which is created on the curves of your body, over the fittings. Finally this dream becomes reality. Her favorite creations are: formal, evening attires, cocktail dresses, tailor-made and tuxedos as well, fine lingerie and of course, fashion accessories.

Biography and major milestones

Fanny Liautard graduated from the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne and with this Haute Couture training,  she first interned at Balmain and spent several years at Hubert de Givenchy later created ensembles and dresses for various prestigious fashion brands, in France (Cerruti, …) and Japan. Her collection has her distinctive name: FANNY LIAUTARD, and has been spread all over France, Europe, United States, Japan, Far East and Paris of course. Then later at Bon Marché, Franck et Fils and in her first shop in the Marais: Place des Vosges then later at rue Saint Florentin Paris 8th. Her clients include: Victoria’s Secret, Barney’s New York, Neiman Marcus, Goodman Bergdorff, Saks 5av, Takashimaya.


Some career highlights :  

– Member of the Grands Ateliers de France (2008/2017)

 -1st Prize of “La Mariée Sans Dessus Dessous -The Bride Top Below” (1995), awarded by the French Federation of Lace and Embroidery.

-Chosen as “Femme Dentelle 1990(the lace lady)” by the French Federation of Lace and Embroidery, soon after Hélène Rochas and Chantal Thomass.

– Awarded the DEFI Grand Prize, (ANDAM) Fashion adward (in 1987.)

1st Prize of the France section at the International Linen Festival presented by Karl Lagerfeld (1987)

– First collection and first guest exhibitor at the Georges Pompidou Museum (1985)

The world of the designer


Contact the designer


Paris 8eme

by appointment only



tel : 07 77 00 20 55